By themselves, wo means “where” and da means “there”, but by adding prepositions, it changes their whole meaning. It’s important that people learning German understand how prepositions can alter these common words if they want to be understood.
Wo + preposition is useful when asking questions for clarification such as in Worauf wartet er? (What is he waiting for?) Notice that the translation for worauf is “for what” – not a literal translation. That’s because many of the wo + prepositions replace the colloquial, but incorrect German word combination preposition + was. (incorrect -> Für was ist das?, correct -> Wofür ist das?) Since the incorrect German version of preposition + was most closely resembles the English translation, English speakers find it difficult to overcome this natural tendency of question formation. That’s why it is important that English-speaking students of German learn early on to incorporate the use of wo-words in their conversation.
Similarly, the da + preposition combinations cannot always be translated literally. It all depends on context. Sometimes da will keep its “there” meaning if it refers to a location. At other times the word means something closer to the English “that”. Understanding this difference is important for students of German who want to make sure their speech is grammatically correct even if their meaning is still understood.
Da– words are very useful so as to not sound redundant. For example, if someone were to ask you Bist du mit diesem Zeitplan einverstanden? The shorter response would be Ich bin damit einverstanden, instead of reiterating the noun.
Below you will find a list of some common wo- and da– compounds. Take note that if the preposition starts with a vowel then it will be preceded by an –r- when combining it with either wo or da. ( unter -> darunter)
- bei = by -> wobei – dabei
- durch = through -> wodurch – dadurch
- für = for -> wofür – dafür
- gegen = against -> wogegen – dagegen
- her (prefix) = coming from -> woher – daher
- hin (prefix) = going to -> wohin – dahin
- mit = with -> womit – damit
- nach = after -> wonach – danach
- an = on, at, to -> woran – daran
- auf = on -> worauf – darauf
- aus = out of, from -> woraus – daraus
- in = in -> worin – darin
- über = over, above -> worüber – darüber
- unter = under, underneath -> worunter – darunter
- von = from -> wovon – davon
- vor = before, in front of -> wovor – davor
- zu = to, at -> wozu – dazu