apartment share/roommates die Wohngemeinschaft (WG)
communal apartment die Wohngemeinschaft (WG)
condo, condominium die Eigentumswohnung
3-room apartment das 3-Zimmerwohnung
studio apartment/flat, bedsit das Atelier, das Apartment/Appartement, das Wohnschlafzimmer, die Einzimmerwohnung
ground floor das Erdgeschoss, die Parterre
the 1st floor (Brit.) der erste Stock
the 1st floor (US) das Erdgeschoss (ground floor)
on the 4th floor im vierten Stock
on the 4th floor im 4. OG (Obergeschoss)
on the 4th floor in der vierten Etage (eh-TAHJ-ah)
Kultur: Everyone but Americans numbers building floors by calling the first floor above the ground the “first floor” (der erste Stock). If you’re American, when dealing with German or European floors, remember that an American second floor is the first – and so on. Same thing applies to elevator buttons! (“E” is the ground floor – das Erdgeschoss, or sometimes “P” for French Parterre, or “0” null.)
at my/our house bei mir/uns
to my/our house zu mir/uns
house and home Haus und Hof
WC, toilet das WC (-s), die Toilette (-n)
Kultur: A Bad or Badezimmer is strictly that, a BATH room (for bathing, washing up). If you actually want the toilet, ask for die Toilette, not das Badezimmer. Germans may wonder why you want to take a bath if you ask for the “bath” room.
built-in closets die Einbaugarderoben
built-in kitchen die Einbauküche
Kultur: Don’t be surprised if your German apartment house has no Aufzug, even if your apartment is on the 5th or 6th floor! Older German apartment complexes of six floors or less may have no elevator.
separate entrance eigener Eingang
wood floors, parquet der Parkettfußboden
sound insulation, soundproofing die Schalldämpfung
poorly insulated (for sound), lacking soundproofing hellhörig
shower room der Duschraum
carpeted floors der Teppichboden
fitted carpet/wall-to-wall carpeting der Teppichboden
chaise lounge/longue, lounge chair, deck chair der Liegestuhl (-stühle)
Kultur: German houses and apartments rarely have built-in closets (Einbaugarderobe). They are usually free-standing pieces of furniture that must be bought, just as a bed or any other furniture.
lace/net curtains die Gardinen
light das Licht (-er), die Leuchte (-n) (lamp)
lighting die Beleuchtung
plug (elec.) der Stecker
book shelf das Bücherregal
sink, wash basin das Waschbecken (-)
toilet seat die Toilettenbrille (-n)
towel rack der Handtuchhalter
freezer chest die Tiefkühltruhe
refrigerator der Kühlschrank
heat, heating die Heizung
stove (heat) der Ofen
oven (baking, roasting) der Backofen