Keep in mind that little symbol ß (as in heiß) stands for a double “s,” and remember correct German word order, which you know by now is different from that in English. Don’t forget
that all German nouns, common or proper, are capitalized.
(Even Wurst.)
Expressions About Sausage (‘Wurst’) and Other Things to Eat
⚉Everything must end.
⚉Literally: Everything has an end; only the sausage has two.
Das ist mir Wurst.
⚉It’s all the same to me.
⚉Literally: It’s a sausage to me.
⚉It’s do or die / now or never / the moment of truth.
⚉Literal: It’s about the sausage.
Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen.
⚉Comparing apples and oranges
⚉Literally: Comparing apples and pears
In des Teufels Küche sein.
⚉To get into hot water
⚉Literal: In the devil’s kitchen
Dir haben sie wohl etwas in den Kaffee getan.
⚉You’ve got to be kidding.
⚉Literally: You’ve probably done something in / to the coffee
Die Radieschen von unten anschauen/betrachten
⚉To be pushing up daisies (to be dead)
⚉Literally: To see / view the radishes from below
Expressions With Animals
Die Katze im Sack kaufen
⚉To buy a pig in a poke
⚉Literally: to buy a cat in a sack
Wo sich die Füchse gute Nacht sagen
⚉The middle of nowhere / the back of beyond
⚉Literally: Where the foxes say goodnight
Stochere nicht im Bienenstock.
⚉Let sleeping dogs lie.
⚉Literally: Don’t poke around in the beehive.
Expressions With Body Parts and People
Daumen drücken!
⚉Keep your fingers crossed!
⚉Literally: Press / hold your thumbs!
Er hat einen dicken Kopf.
⚉He’s got a hangover.
⚉Literally: He has a fat head.
Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß.
⚉What you don’t know, won’t hurt you.
⚉Literally: What I don’t know won’t burn me.
Er fällt immer mit der Tür ins Häuschen.
⚉He always gets right to the point / just blurts it out.
⚉Literally: He always falls into the house through the door.
Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr.
⚉You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
⚉Literally: What little Hans didn’t learn, adult Hans never will.
Wenn man dem Teufel den kleinen Finger gibt, so nimmt er die ganze Hand.
⚉Give an inch; they’ll take a mile.
⚉Literally: If you give the devil your little finger, he’ll take the whole hand.